It is not too late to start anew.

It is not too late to create new rhythms.

It is not too late to create new memories.

There are many times in life when doors close, and we become all too aware of the heavy feelings that come with an ending. Sometimes, those endings come after years of investment. Other times, the ending seems to come before it ever began.

And years later, we can still hear the sound of those closing doors. 

We can still hear that "no" so loud and clear. 

Sometimes, the sound of a closing door sounds like "I don't love you anymore."

Sometimes, it's "you're not what we were looking for."

Sometimes it's "maybe next year...," but you never hear anything back.

And sometimes, the sound of the closing door is just that thick piece of wood closing in against the doorframe.

In those spaces, I hope you know it is okay to grieve what was lost or what changed. I hope you know you are allowed to take the time to do the things that help you open your heart to love again or to dream again. And I also hope you also know that you are allowed to breathe deep and trust that your story will carry on, anyway.

For all of the sounds of doors that have closed in your ears, I hope you can also remember the sound of doors opening too. I hope you can remember the door that opened and greeted you with a warm "Come on in..." 

The door that led to a new friendship.

A new opportunity you weren’t even looking for, but it ended up working out.

A new therapist that you didn’t even get to visit as much as you wanted, but you still remember something they told you.

A new adventure that started out as an ordinary road trip.

A new perspective on past events that finally helped you find some peace.

A new way of looking forward to the future. 

Yes, there will be doors that close again and again. There will also be doors that open, too. And I hope you can hear them in your other ear. 

My hope is that you will remain aware of the doors that are opening all around you...even if they lead to the smallest of opportunities. Even if you don't know where they will lead and you have to practice letting yourself be hopeful again, I hope that the sound of a door opening becomes the sound of you courageously practicing having an open heart to new experiences so you can gain wisdom for the journey ahead. May the sound of opening doors lead to an open heart.

Here’s to paying attention to the doors that are opening, even if they are small. Here’s to recognizing that it’s not too late for you to come alive right here. You are going to find new rhythms. You are going to make new memories. You are going to have more moments that your healing heart never forgets.

More in this week's series called "Hopeful, Right Here", only with a subscription in the Storyteller App.

More tomorrow…
Morgan Harper Nichols


