Here’s to September:

One of my passions as a writer and artist is creatively merging everyday elements with words and art. I achieve this by associating various words with routine aspects of daily life, such as a calendar of the month. My hope is that this calendar for September can be a reminder that amidst the flow of time, we are free to pause, reflect, and look ahead with hope, even if it’s just for a few moments each day.

If these resonate with you, feel free to right-click and save them on your phone!

And if you’d like even more, you can receive free notifications on your phone each day through my "Storyteller" app, which is available for download on both Apple and Android platforms. All you have to do is turn it on the settings section.

Thanks so much for being here.
Here’s to September,

Morgan Harper Nichols
Artist, Writer, Creator of

1 - May September lead to beautiful growth.

2 - I will pace myself through September one day at a time.

3 - I look forward to creating new rhythms. I look forward to creating new memories.

4 - It is not too late to imagine something new and explore what a new space can teach me.

5 - I am grateful for the small things even while I wait for the big things to fall in place.

6 - I will be kind to myself today, no matter what I do or do not accomplish today.

7 - I will face these mountains with courage.

8 - I am slowly finding peace in knowing, I don’t have to figure everything out at once.

9 - I am worthy of the time it takes to do the things that heal my heart.

10 - May I never overlook how powerful it can be to slow down for a moment and breathe.

11 - I will pace myself through this day, one breath at a time.

12 - Even when I am surrounded by incredibly talented and gifted people, I still have my own strengths and gifts, too.

13 - I am free to be proud of my progress even while I am still on the journey.

14 - I am starting to feel less pressure to keep up with everyone else. I am growing at my own pace.

15 - Today, I am choosing to be mindful of what I’m giving my energy to.

16 - I am grateful for the friends I have made along the way.

17 - Today, I will breathe and let the rest of September be what it needs to be.

18 - I have more impact than I know.

19 - I am proud of how I’ve learned to move on.

20 - While I wait for other things to fall in pace, I know that the ways

I’m learning to be present here are not in vain.

21 - I am preserving my energy wherever I can.

22 - I am learning so much on this journey.

23 - I am making space for quiet.

24 - I am focusing on what matters most.

25 - I can be inspired by others without comparing myself to others.

26 - I am grateful for the ways I’ve learned to pay attention to the small, beautiful things in life.

27 - I am giving myself permission to add my own health and well-being to the list of things I care about.

28 - I will keep my heart open to places where I feel free to be me.

29 - May I never forget how far I have come.

30 - I am proud of how I have grown since September of last year.


