This is grace:
even here,
I am free
to exhale.
Perhaps, for all of the times where you have wondered if you were too much or not enough, in grace, there is room for you to be you. To simply be, without worrying about how you measure up to everyone else’s expectation of you.
Grace is an unmerited favor that gives you permission to see who you are beyond what you do. Grace creates time to spend decades discovering more of who you were meant to be, beyond what the world may say or think. Grace is permission to exhale in all of the places of your life where you felt pressured to hold your breath. To finally step out of the shadows and into the Light without fear of how you might measure up.
When you encounter grace, you may still have experiences that cause you to question everything. You might wonder if you’re in the right place, if you’re with the right person, or if you’ve made the right decisions. In that place, grace is the sun that rises yet another day, where you are reminded that for all you do not know, you’ve been given yet a chance to grow in wisdom. A chance to grow in your capacity to pace yourself and not have to figure out everything at once.
May today be the day you encounter grace that gives you permission to be you, right here, where you are. There’s a lot you haven’t figured out yet, and there’s so much you’re still learning, but in grace, as long as you’re still breathing there is still time. No matter how fast the clock seems to tick, there is no time limit on your growth. You’re still breathing, and in grace there is room to make the most of it, as you learn how to breathe, how to trust, and how to simply be, one day at a time.
Word of the day: Room (n) “allowing something to happen” (Cambridge)
Journal: When you hear, “in grace, there is room” –– what does that mean for you today?
Affirmation: “In grace, there is room for me.”
More in this week's series called "In Grace, There is Room", only with a subscription in the Storyteller App.
Morgan Harper Nichols