1. Every morning is a new beginning

Let these early-June sunrises remind you: even here, << Test First Name >>, you are worthy of new beginnings in this new season, no matter your uncertainties.

Every day, you are changing. You are growing. You are becoming wiser with every life experience. You cannot compare yourself to your past self. You cannot discredit today's results because they weren't as good as yesterday's. Today is a new day all on its own and within it, there is room to do things differently. Within it, there is room for grace-filled new beginnings. No matter how many sleepless nights you have known, it matters that you have still known morning light. You have still experienced a brand new day. This brand new day, your life has become proof:  For all of the difficult moments that became a part of your story, there was so much more to you.

You managed to see the next day. You managed to find a way to rise above, anyway. Even in subtle ways. Even in the ways you learned to laugh again when joy seemed impossible., The way you kept turning your eyes to the sky at golden hour even when it didn’t seem like the Light was still pouring in. Again and again, that was grace. That was strength. You were growing and you were growing in every single one of those moments.

2. Hold on to the moments where you feel the most alive

For all of the moments where you feel restless, I hope you also have moments where you feel alive. Moments where you forget to look at the time. Moments where you’re not worried about tomorrow. Do your best to be present to those moments. Pay attention to how these moments feel in your body and carry it with you throughout the day. Let go of the question “how long will this last?” and discover that these moments outside of your restlessness are real and they are also abundant. Hold on to these moments and continue to make more room for them. Make a practice out of looking for moments and spaces to just simply be.

3. Think of peace in a new way

Think of peace as you think of sunlight. Even on the starless nights, you know that somewhere in the world, light is still pouring through, and in the coming hours, will find the way to you. Even in the moments when rain falls from the sky and you cannot feel the warmth of the sun on your skin, you know, beyond the clouds, light is still strong enough to fill the ground beneath your feet.

Light is abundant. It is plentiful. And because you have seen it time and time again, you believe it, even when you cannot see it.

May you learn to see peace in the same way. Sure, it may be harder to pursue peace in this season, versus a previous season where you were a lot happier, but because you have known peace, you can believe that you can know it again. Because you have seen others bring peace through their friendship, music, poetry, can choose to believe that peace lives within you, too. It’s not for a select few. It’s not only available to those with dynamic personalities or accolades and experience. Peace is abundant. It is endless and boundless. And as sure as it was present in previous seasons of your life, or in those you look up to, it is also available to you.

Word of the day: Restful (adj): having a quiet and soothing quality (Oxford Languages)
Journal: What have you learned about rest over the past year?
Affirmation: Today, I am seeking restfulness as a part of my daily practice.

More in this week's series called "Reminders For The Journey", only with a subscription in the Storyteller App.

Morgan Harper Nichols


