Just in case no one has told you lately, the progress you are making truly matters. There are so many things you do that go unseen, but that does not mean that you, yourself are not seen. The rooms you enter are still filled with the Light you bring. Even if others take it for granted. Even if others do not notice. No matter what, may you know this to be true: grace is running wild within you and you have not been forgotten. You are going to grow in the way you were meant to. You will bloom with wisdom and strength through the years. Your life will be an ever-present reminder of what it means to make the most of your life, right here.

You might be in a place where you are having to give your all right now, and even when you feel like you are doing what you are supposed to do, you still have this persisting doubt:

“Is this ever going to be good enough?
Am I ever going to be good enough?”

And there are so many things that can make you ask these sorts of questions. Whether it is coming from others, or it is coming from within, it can become a daily battle that keeps you from finding the peace and the strength to keep going. And it only becomes harder when your work goes unnoticed, and when the post that you were working toward seems to be moved further away with every step.

Let it be in that place where you are not sure you are giving enough that you make the time to slow down and be honest about where you are right now. You do not have to be everything to everyone. You do not have to be seen or acknowledged to be considered worthy. You are free to take your time. You do not have to be in a hurry. And the beautiful thing about not always being in a hurry is this: it allows you to see things in a new way, and this includes the way you see yourself. Sometimes, when you are going and going, it becomes all too easy to forget just how much you are giving. One hour turns into multiple, and you do not even realize how long you have worked. Days turn into weeks and you cannot even remember the last time you rested. Whenever you feel tired, discouraged, or you start to doubt yourself, take a good look around and see what things can wait. What things can wait while you catch up on your rest? What things can wait while you catch up with yourself? I know that life is busy, but I hope that you can find something. I hope you can find some gap, some space, some moment in between things where you do not have to feel guilty for taking a moment to breathe...and just be reminded, once again, that you are not on a loop. As a flower blooms up from the ground, so will you. Your progress truly matters. May you make the time to be mindful of it. Let it remind you that you are blooming. Let it remind you of your strength.

Word of the day: Progress (n) “forward or onward movement toward a destination” (Oxford Languages)
Affirmation: “Today I am taking the time to celebrate the progress I have made because it is enough and I am enough.”
Journal: What are three ways you like to rest when you are feeling overwhelmed? Which one of those can you do today? 

More in this week's series called "Breathe Deep And Trust", only with a subscription in the Storyteller App.

Morgan Harper Nichols


