After everything you have been through, I hope something beautiful happens for you.
I hope that you wake up someday soon and see that after all this time, the wait was truly worth it. I hope your heart is open to the unexpected, and the possibility of what might be, even though you are currently facing an endless amount of uncertainty.
May this be the season of hope...unbridled, audacious hope that you feel deep down in your bones. Even when it doesn't make sense. Even when it feels childish, naive, or too innocent. I hope you can still believe in The Maybe, The What If, and My-Time-Has-Not-Been-Wasted. I hope you can believe in redemption. Possibility. And what you thought could only ever be a dream. Beautiful things can happen, even in the middle of uncertainty.
Because so many years have gone by and you did not know you would have to wait this long. You did not know you would have to be this strong and so many holidays and birthdays would sweep by you like winter winds. Every morning you woke up after one of those days was a sign of your strength. Every breath that left your lungs, every laugh that filled your belly, and every song that graced your lips...all of it...absolutely all of it was a sign of your strength.
After everything you have been through, I hope something beautiful happens for you. I hope you look back on this season in awe of the unexpected, seeing how so much came together in ways you never thought it could. Because somehow, through it all, life still managed to be good. Meaningful moments still fell in place when there were so many things unknown.
I hope you continue to find a life worth living right here in the present moment, with a heart wide open and ready to receive the possibility of what you could be. I hope you find that the wait was not in vain and all of it was preparing you for something, and that even though you have been in the unknown for so long, not a stage of your growth has been missed.
Word of the day: Unexpected (adj) “not expected or regarded as likely to happen” (Oxford Languages)
Affirmation: “I welcome what is. I welcome what comes.”
Journal: Write about a time when you were really proud of yourself.
More in this week's series called "Brave The Deep", only with a subscription in the Storyteller App.
Morgan Harper Nichols