May you never empty yourself in hopes that someday,
the one you want to be close to
will finally wake up and see the depths of you.

May you never settle for crumbs of connection
to serve as an illusion of intimacy,
or to avoid rejection.
May you never tell yourself that
you must become more interesting, successful,
beautiful, or creative so that you will finally be enough.
May you learn to trust you are free to let this go, and still know love.

You haven't wasted time when things don't work out. Yes, time has passed, and you can't get it back, but now, everything that happened taught you: you are worth so much more than that. You have started to see that even though letting go was one of the hardest things you have ever had to do, now, you can focus on the path before you. Now, you can take deep breaths knowing that the mere fact that you're here means your story isn't over yet.

Today looks different from what you planned a year ago, and this is also true: through every change, now you know, the morning sun still shines. The moon still illuminates the evening sky. And every day, you are starting to see: love is still boundless and so much greater than you imagined it to be. You've had to say goodbye to so many things, and yet, here you are, still finding peace. Still pursuing growth and wisdom, as each chapter of your life continues to unfold.

And when a chapter ends, remember: it doesn’t mean the story has ended. And even though it's hard right now, someday, it will be easier to talk about. Someday, you will find that while you were tending to a broken heart, you were also learning to be present in ways you had never been present before. You were learning to see this moment as a wide-open hallway right in between those long rows of closed doors.

When you look back, you will find: in the mornings, you were learning to not only watch the sunrise but to also feel it on your skin. In the evenings, you were noticing that through the small opening in the blinds, the moonlight still gets in. You were learning that time and time again, somehow:

Beautiful moments kept finding you. This year ended up surprising you. You learned to breathe, grieve, and heal. Day by day, you made it through.

(This post here is an excerpt from the Storyteller App series called "Your Story Isn't Over", available to download for iOS and Android! Free Daily Encouragement Notifications (no subscription required) plus premium features: Longer reads, device wallpapers, journal prompts, affirmations and more included. Free trial - no credit card required.)

Word of the day: Surprise, “unexpected or astonishing event, fact, or thing.” (Oxford)
Journal: When was the last time you watched the sunrise? When was the last time you watched the sunset?
Affirmation: “I am trusting: there is more.”



