Trust that the future can still be beautiful, even if it looks different than what you were expecting. Trust that even here, more is unfolding beyond what you have been able to see. Even when things have changed.

You may not be able to be everything to everyone, but you can still be everything you were meant to be by choosing to be present and ready to grow at every place on the journey. You do not miss out on what is meant for you when someone says ‘no’ to you. You have not missed out on being able to know Love and Peace just because all that fell apart this year. You are still here, and this matters more than you know. You are going to have more opportunities to live, to learn, to grow.

Years from now, you won’t remember every conversation, every thought or everything you accomplished, but I hope you remember the times you bravely chose to love. I hope you remember that when times were hard, you found courage to not give up. I hope you don’t just remember the people who left, but the ones who stuck around. I hope you remember that even after the longest nights, morning Light found you, somehow. I hope you always remember that all along, through everything that was changing, you were changing, too.

So if you have to say goodbye to something or someone, I hope you can trust that in time, you will be fine. Not perfect, but fine, and years down the line, life will be different, but still beautiful. You will still be whole. Even if you’re living somewhere different. Working something different. In a community or in a relationship you never could have even imagined could be possible.

I hope that even here, you can take a deep breath and remember: you are far from finished yet. And as terrifying as that might be, it can also be a beautiful thing. Even here, you will become who you were meant to be.

(This post here is an excerpt from the Storyteller App series called "Be All Here", available to download for iOS and Android! Free Daily Encouragement Notifications (no subscription required) plus premium features: Longer reads, device wallpapers, journal prompts, affirmations and more included. Free trial - no credit card required.)

Word of the day: Remember “have in or be able to bring to one's mind an awareness of (someone or something that one has seen, known, or experienced in the past)” Oxford)
Journal: What do you hope to remember of September 2020, 10 years from now?
Affirmation: “I will look back on today proud of how I chose to be present.”



