Have you ever been reading a book only to pause and discover that you’ve been reading the same paragraph over and over? You realize that you’ve been deep into the rhythm of reading and you haven’t actually been focusing on the progression of the book as much as you thought you were.

This also happens in life. We get so deep into the rhythm of daily living that we start to lose focus. And in the same way, we might read the same paragraph over and over, we end up feeling like we’re living the same day over and over. We start going through the motions and before we know it, we feel stuck.

-We feel stuck in the same place we were last year.
-We feel stuck in the relationship or at the job.
-We feel stuck in an old mindset that keeps us from growing.
-We feel stuck when it comes to moving beyond the past or planning for the future.

No one wants to feel stuck, however, in one way or another, we’ve all been there. But the good news is this: we don’t have to stay there. There is a way out of that feeling, and we can begin right here, in the grace of the present moment.

The grace of the present moment is the place where we learn to embrace our stories for what they are, in the season we’re currently in. It’s where we learn to accept that even when things don’t go according to plan, and even when we feel stuck in a particular chapter, a larger story is still being written, and we are a part of that story.

Every story is woven with uniqueness and richness, but it can take time to realize it. But the good thing is, we do have the present moment to begin that journey of realizing what needs to change in our lives so we can get unstuck. Every day, we can choose to take a closer look at who we’re spending our time with and where we are investing our energy. It’s right here in the grace of the present moment that we can start to ask questions like this:

-Where can I go to be reminded that there is room for me to contribute?
-How can I spend time today being present to someone else?
-What words of wisdom can I take in and carry with me this week?

Asking ourselves these questions may not change everything in our lives, but they can help us see: maybe we’re not as stuck in this present chapter as we thought we were. Maybe we are learning and growing in ways that don’t always show up on the surface. Maybe there’s more to life to discover when we’re not in a rush.

This is what the grace of the present moment gives us the opportunity to see: 

Right here, right now,
our stories are worth embracing.

Even when we feel stuck where we are, there is more to the story. New chapters are waiting to be written and it all begins by choosing to be present to the one we’re already in. Allowing ourselves to see what’s good right here, as we prepare for what’s to come.

Word the day: Moment (n): an appropriate time for doing something; an opportunity (Oxford Languages)
Journal: How have you experienced grace in our story?
Affirmation: I am grateful for what this moment is teaching me.

More in this week's series called "Embrace Your Story", only with a subscription in the Storyteller App.

Morgan Harper Nichols


