If you happen to find yourself in a season where you're moving a bit slower than you want to, I hope that you can take this time to pay attention to the details. Pay attention to the details that might otherwise be missed if you were moving at the actual pace that you want it to be moving at. One of the hardest things about having to wait is that feeling that nothing is happening here. However, at the very same time, in the stillness and the quiet, we are able to pay attention to things in a lot more detail than we ever have before. 

This is true even when it comes to our relationships and the people that we spend most of our time with. When we're having to wait, having support in that place can make all of the difference. So may this be the season where you no longer hesitate to take a closer look. To look closely at the relationships that you've been investing in, and ask yourself: Is there mutual respect in this relationship? Is there love? Is there harmony? 

Now, if you noticed, I didn't say perfect love or harmony, because we are all human beings, and no one is capable of having a perfect relationship. However, as we wait for the future, it makes all the difference to have mutual love, respect, and support right here. If you feel like this is lacking in your life, there is no need to worry, because even in the waiting, it is not too late to start seeking healthy relationships in your life. 

One of the best ways that you can start doing this is by being present to the moment when you're around others. Pay attention to how you feel when you're around or talking to other people. In a time where many of us are physically separated from people that we know, this also applies digitally. It is never too late. And it is never too much to take a look at who we're following on social media, who we're texting on our phones, and ask ourselves: how does this connection make me feel? How does this relationship help me stay present to the moment, even while I'm waiting for other things to fall in place? When it comes to this particular group or this community: is there mutual love, respect and support? Or is it just one sided? 

Whenever we're waiting or we're in a slower season of life, when it comes to our relationships, we have two options. One, we can either choose to numb out and not be present to the moment and maybe even find ourselves in relationships that aren't good for us. Or we can choose to stay present to the moment and continue to seek out mutual love, respect, and support, right here where we are. The waiting does not have to be passive. This is a space where we can actively choose to be present in seeking out meaningful connections and relationships that help prepare us for whatever lies ahead. 

So here's to making connections as we go out on the long winding road of life, recognizing that we are worthy of love and support even before we know what tomorrow looks like.

Word of the Day: Respect (n): a feeling of deep admiration for someone or something elicited by their abilities, qualities, or achievements (Oxford Languages)
Affirmation: I am able to seek out meaningful connections and relationships. 
Journal: Is there mutual respect in the relationships you have in your life? 

More in this week's series called "Live Fully Right Here", only with a subscription in the Storyteller App.

Morgan Harper Nichols


