Take heart.
Breathe deep.
Even here, you are free
to be proud of your progress.

I hope you once again find the place where the setting sun flickers its way through the trees as you travel side by side with the one you love, and I hope you also find that any little flicker of joy you find at this moment is enough. I know it doesn’t seem like much, because the bare white walls of boredom and restlessness seem to grow taller each day, but this is still true: there are plenty of places for Light to get through. There are ways Love will continue to find you.

You may not be able to take that trip right now, high into the canyons, traveling the narrow road between the warm-colored rock faces, but you are still traveling through.

Take a moment to reflect on some of the places you’ve traveled through. Perhaps you’ve traveled through an opportunity, over a state line, or a country line. Or maybe you’ve made a trip to the grocery store, the bank, the hospital. Did you count the steps or paces it took to get to each place and back? Most likely, this didn’t happen because there are far too many paces to count. And that’s just it...there are far too many. You’ve already taken so many steps in this life it’s impossible to count them. As sure as the stars are countless, so are the moments of your life where you have managed to carry on and push forward another day.

Perhaps this is why it is far too easy to lose track of our progress because the actual act of progressing comes naturally to us. Progress itself is movement, and because we are always moving in one way or another, this very consistent act begins to lull in the background, like an engine rumbling for thousands and thousands of miles but no one notices it, because it’s been faithful all along the way.

You have been faithful all along the way. Of course not perfectly, but over and over, you have shown up to the day, You have given your all to things great and small. So much of what you have done in this life has gone unnoticed but that’s okay. There is still a path beneath your feet and you are free to keep traveling, even as you wait to see where this day or this season will lead. May glorious Light continue to find you on this journey. May you always remember that even when you are not taking the trips you are longing to take, you are still on the journey. You are still practicing both small and great acts of courage each day.

(This post here is an excerpt from the Storyteller App series called "Where Courage Happens", available to download for iOS and Android! Free Daily Encouragement Notifications (no subscription required) plus premium features: Longer reads, phone wallpapers, journal prompts, affirmations and more included. Free trial - no credit card required.)

Word of the day: Movement “an act of changing physical location or position or of having this changed” (Oxford)

Journal: What’s the last trip you took? Even if it was just an errand, write it down. How did you practice courage, even if it was in a subtle way?
Affirmation: “Even here, I am proud of my progress.”



