7 Reminders For the Day:
Live boldly and courageously, with humility. Let your head be in the clouds while your feet are in the dirt. Lift up those around you while also remembering what you are worth. Love others, while also knowing you were meant to be loved yourself. No matter how successful or valuable they are, you are no less than anyone else.
You were not made to live in the shadows. But if you find yourself in shadowy places, look around. Look around because there are other people there too, and someone might need a friend like you to remind them they are not alone in what they are going through. And together, you can find your way to take this day by day.
You do not have to be fearless to be confident. You do not have to be fearless to be brave. You do not have to have a certain kind of personality or charisma to make a difference. It’s your presence that matters. It’s the way you show up, as yourself, that matters.
There is an endless depth to you. And because there is an endless depth to you, the difference you make in this world will not always be able to put into words. All that you are worth will not be able to be put on paper. It wouldn't even fit. There is a depth to you that is endless, and it takes a lifetime of living in the present moment and trusting to learn more and more of what you are worth. So keep living. Keep being present. That’s what you need to do. Keep loving and giving attention to the things that matter. This is the way to live with purpose. This is the way to thrive, with truth, in grace.
You are a living, breathing being with a soul that is not perfect, but whole. Every day, you are being made new. Every sunrise is a reminder that the past is, in fact, behind you. You may have to tend to old wounds, but you are free to heal as you go. You are free to trust that life is worth living no matter your unknowns.
Be kind to yourself on the journey and remember that everyone else is on a journey, too. This is not an excuse for those that hurt you but just remember: their actions did not define you. They may have made you feel unheard as you cried out for help, but I just hope you know they did not take away your worth. There is an endless depth to you that goes beyond what is seen, and you are still being guided right where you need to be.
You don’t have to hide anymore. You don’t have to wait in the shadows until it’s “your turn.” You are allowed to come forth. You are free to step into The Light and be refined, like gold, and shine on, like the brave, bold, soul you are. You haven’t done everything perfectly, and your life has been anything but easy, but you have learned from all of it. You are stronger now, and all the more equipped to come alive because of it. Let this be the time of your life that you dare to live boldly. Let this be the place you breathe deep and come alive.
(This post here is an excerpt from the Storyteller App series called "You Belong On The Journey", available to download for iOS and Android! Free Daily Encouragement Notifications (no subscription required) plus premium features: Longer reads, device wallpapers, journal prompts, affirmations and more included. Free trial - no credit card required.)
Word of the day: Confidence “firm trust” (Oxford)
Affirmation: I am confident. Even when I don’t feel fearless.
Journal: What fear are you slowly working with right now?