There is an endless depth to you.
That also means
there is a mystery to you.
So if you start to feel directionless
or restless with a sense of purpose,
remember: this is a part of the mystery.

The challenging thing
about mystery
is that mystery points to the missing pieces.
It’s a story to follow that reminds you
of all of the things that have yet to come together,
the closure that has yet to take place.
And at the same time, you gather clues as you go.
You encounter generous, wise souls who share what they know.
You learn to pay attention to that feeling in your gut.
You learn to slow down and listen.
In the mystery, you learn to fall in love with the journey.
You accept that you will never stop learning.

You will never stop learning.
You will never stop unfolding.
Every year you grow older is another year of having grown in wisdom. Strength. Courage. Even if it takes years to see, deep within the mystery, you are always growing. You are always becoming.

Let this be where you find freedom to live fully in the present moment. Live fully, right here, knowing that you don’t have to articulate exactly how you’re growing right now to know that you are growing in meaningful ways.

Be gentle with yourself when you feel overwhelmed by what you don’t know. You don’t have to have to have a dream career or a perfectly planned out path to live a meaningful life. The reason why we form identities around what we do and not who we are is because answering the question “What do you” is a lot easier than answering the question, “Who are you?”

Who are you?
Beyond your name, who are you?

Sit with this for a while. Sit with it for decades. Allow yourself to go deeper every single day with being okay with sitting with this question for a while. This is vitally important because people will continue to ask you: “what do you do?” People will continue to start with questions about your relationship status, job status, and so on. And in the moment, these will feel like the most important questions in the world.

But what if the most important questions are the ones we are not asking?

Who are you?
Beyond your name, who are you?
Who are you, really? 

These questions may start to feel repetitive, and at the same, there are layers within them. That’s where the mystery comes in. Are you willing to dig? Are you willing to enter in the mystery and discover what questions lie within the questions?

Whenever you start to feel like you’re overwhelmed by the lack of answers about the future, perhaps this is a moment to start asking different questions. Questions that are not centered on what you do, or what you might acquire, but about who you truly are.

Word of the day: depth (n) - the distance from the top or surface to the bottom of something. Oxford Languages 
Journal: Who are you?
Affirmation: “There are so many layers to me.”

More in this week's series called "Engage In The Process", only with a subscription in the Storyteller App.




