If you have been feeling a little uninspired lately, have grace for yourself today. Trust that your imagination is still very much so alive even if you aren’t able to express yourself like you used to. You might look at old photographs or reflect on your old projects and long for days where you were younger, with more time and energy but there is no shame if you don’t feel that way today.

Maybe you were more carefree and willing to try new things before this year took its toll. Maybe you’re sitting in a tangle of broken dreams and indefinitely prolonged plans. Some days, you’re so busy you don’t even think about them, but other days, you feel the weight of it all. You wonder if there’s any chance that you’ll get the opportunity to try again.

You might look back on old versions of yourself and think that she is long behind you, buried in the days of your youth. You might look back on past relationships or think of familiar places you used to frequent and wish you had taken more time to appreciate them while you had the opportunity. 

Here’s the thing: you won’t be able to go back, but here’s what is also true: the heart that longs for a life filled with meaningful experiences is still beating boldly within you. Yes, the scenery has changed. Yes, your group of friends looks different. But that doesn’t mean you won’t feel that sense of connection again. That doesn’t mean that you won’t find other places to pull out your camera and capture the memory. There is still hope for your future. Don’t give up just yet. 

Now is the time to explore. Now is the time to dare to go on the journey in pursuit of something more. Don’t wait for everything to fall perfectly in place to get started. Don’t wait until you feel inspired again to get into the rhythm of just being curious on a daily basis. You’re allowed to try new things. You’re allowed to take un-Instagrammable pictures. You’re allowed to cook just because you want something to do. You’re allowed to put goodness out in the world without worrying about if it’s going to become your “passion” or a new career. Your inspiration is going to come back when it comes back, but in the meantime, you’re still free to live. You’re still free to breathe deep in this uncertainty and be all that you can be in this season.

Even if you don’t leave the house, trust that there is a well of life inside of you. There are ideas and dreams ready to be visualized and put on paper or brought into the conversation. But you might have to dig to find them. You might have to do a lot of ordinary things to find the extraordinary. Work your way into the extraordinary. Do the digging. Do the searching. This is all a part of the journey. There is all a part of your becoming.

(This post here is an excerpt from the Storyteller App series called "Finding Peace for the Moment", available to download for iOS and Android! Free Daily Encouragement Notifications (no subscription required) plus premium features: Longer reads, device wallpapers, journal prompts, affirmations and more included. Free trial - no credit card required.)

Word of the day: Dig “break up and move” (Oxford)
Affirmation: “In this very moment, I am becoming more and more of who I am meant to be.”
Journal: What can you “break up and move” today?



