Today’s message is especially for the one who feels as though you don’t have the support you need from others:

Even though you know the path you are on is filled with Light and you are glad you have chosen to keep going, there are times where you cannot help but feel a little afraid. You cannot help but feel like you're the only one out here.

I just hope you know when there seem to be fewer and fewer people to talk to, you can still breathe deep and trust that even here, this is not a lonely journey. The same Light that shines through the tangled trees around you is the same Light shining within you. Even here, you are guided. Breath into breath, you are learning more and more what it means to be alive. You are learning what it means to believe: there is so much more to this life than what you have been able to see.

Some days are going to be a little quieter. Some seasons are going to be a little quieter, but I promise you, your life is still meaningful right here. Every day is still full of grace-filled opportunities to experience unexpected joy, unexpected hope.

You are on a narrow path,
and at times it seems
you may have reached its end,
but even then, the more you keep going,
the more you will remember to look within,
knowing that by the grace
that fills your heart
you will start
to find your strength.

I cannot tell you that the journey will be easy, but I can tell you, it is worth it to keep going. I can tell you that any movement forward is still moving forward, and one day you will look back in awe at the beautiful reality that after everything, by grace you carved your way through the most rugged mountains.

It might not look that way now and you may still have your doubts, but I promise, you are where you need to be. You are where you need to be. And no matter what you have seen, it is worth it to keep traveling.

So carry on with that bold, unbridled joy of yours…even if there are days or entire seasons where that joy only shines in tiny glimpses. The fire inside of you is still there and that matters.

Remember: This is a narrow path, but it is not a lonely path and it is filled with opportunities for your hope and your joy to last. So keep looking for hope in unexpected places. Keep finding joy in ordinary conversations with unlikely friends. Ask for help. And whether you receive a “yes” or a “no,” always remember that there is no shame in asking for help. How someone perceives you for asking for help is not anywhere near as important as getting the support you need. Make room in your every day to see the many ways that Light is still pouring in, ever-reminding you, it is worth it to keep going. 

Word of the day: Seek (v) “attempt to find (something).” (Oxford Languages)
Affirmation: “I am free to seek out joy. I am free to seek out peace. I am free to seek out the support I need.”
Journal Prompt: What will you choose to seek out today?

More in this week's series called "Embracing The Process", only with a subscription in the Storyteller App.

Morgan Harper Nichols


