One of the most practical ways you can be kind to yourself, is to keep repeating what is true over and over:

I am loved.
I am seen.
I am still being guided where I am meant to be.

Repeat these words to yourself daily. Allow them to become small seeds that remind you that you are still becoming. Create daily reminders and affirmations that remind you of what is true. Fill your bathroom mirror or the background on your phone with truthful words that are so easy to forget throughout the day. If you talk to yourself throughout the day, ask yourself,

“Is this kind?
Is this how I would speak to someone I love?
Is this how I would speak to five year old me? Seventy-five year old me?”

And keep this in mind: this isn't flattery. You are not self-absorbed for being kind to yourself. You are simply reminding yourself of what the soul already knows to be true. And this is important because it’s all too easy to forget. There are so many messages you have accepted as true just because someone you admired said it to you. Maybe you were told you were not smart. Maybe you were told you were just “okay” or “alright” in regards to your looks. Perhaps you were told you would never be good at the work you do. Maybe you were told you were too loud, too quiet, too sensitive, too big, too short, too happy, too sad, too soft, too shy, too bubbly...the list goes on and on. Even when they are unspoken, these messages get repeated in our minds. They get reinforced in toxic friendships, broken relationships, failed pursuits...and little seeds of doubt, insecurity, and fear are sown over and over again within us.

This is why it is never too redundant to keep reminding yourself of the truth. It is never too elementary to make a practice out of being kind to yourself. Please do not judge yourself on the days where you still feel stuck because of the lies you have been made to believe. It took time to believe those lies were the truth, and it will take time to see them as the lies that they really are. Being kind to yourself is practice, and it is never too much to practice every day.

Word of the day: Kind (adj) having or showing a friendly, generous, and considerate nature. (Oxford Languages)
Journal: What kind words do you need to hear right now?
Affirmation: “I am kind to myself.”

More in this week's series called "Practice Kindness", only with a subscription in the Storyteller App.



