Keep going. Learn as you go. You are free to brave the unknown.

 Even the unknown of what it means to use your voice to tell your story.

You have something to say. And your story is worth giving time to. You are worthy of taking the time it takes to journey through the mountains and telling the stories of your travels. The times you dared to spread your wings. All the things you've overcome. Be brave and trust: the words that fall on the page ARE good enough. They do not have to become a blog post or book in order to matter. Just let yourself write. Let the filling of the pages remind you: what I've learned is worth talking about.

Write in your journal without worrying about the pages you haven’t written on yet. Let the words fall on the page not as an article or essay, but as a love letter, a prayer, a fleeting thought before you let yourself doodle flowers in the margins. And if you’d rather speak than write, turn on your phone recorder and talk to yourself. This right here doesn't have to be for anyone else. It’s not for a podcast later on. This is a way of reminding yourself: "I am brave. I have learned so much. I did not get all the answers, and grace is more than enough." We put so much pressure on ourselves to make sure progress is trackable and success is inevitable. This might be the language used at our jobs, and this is also true: the language of our hearts is telling us that progress is not linear. Have your schedule, to-do-lists, and spreadsheets while also knowing you are worth no less if you don’t update those things. You are free to have things in your life that are creative, healing, free. Let yourself just fill a page today. Let yourself be brave. Do something that reminds you:

You are enough.
You are free to take your time.
You do not have to be in a hurry.

Slow down.
Breathe deep.
Dare to take the time
to bravely make room for your story.

Word of the Day: Language (n): the principal method of human communication, consisting of words used in a structured and conventional way and conveyed by speech, writing, or gesture (Oxford Languages)
Journal Prompt: Today is a freestyle journal entry. Write a love letter. A prayer. The thoughts that have been stuck in your head all day.
Affirmation: I have something to say, and my story is worth giving time to. 

More in this week's series called "Gentle Reminders for the Soul", only with a subscription in the Storyteller App.

Morgan Harper Nichols


