When you are waiting, many different emotions may begin to arise. As a result of your desire for whatever it is that you are waiting for, you may find that your patience is wearing thin. Or, when you consider how long the wait has already been, you may begin to wonder if the outcome is worth the wait. In that space, it matters to remember that acknowledging the emotions that arise while waiting does not mean that you are weak or incapable of getting through this, but rather that they are a reflection of the very real emotions that can intensify in these kinds of situations. It's only natural to feel this way, especially when you can feel the clock ticking, and the pressure seems to only increase over time. What matters in this space is that you know it is okay to acknowledge that the waiting is difficult while also knowing that you are still free to welcome peace however you can.

For some, practicing peace might look like saying "no" to things you would ordinarily feel like you needed to say "yes" to. You're finding room to breathe by slowing down and letting go of all of the "shoulds" that have made you feel like you need to perform and stay busy, even though what you actually need is more rest and recovery time.

For someone else, you might welcome peace in a completely different way in this season. Maybe you've gotten so used to doing everything alone, and never asking for help thinking about the ways you might be able to share the load is becoming something worth considering. While asking someone to help just one time might not "fix" everything, it's a reminder that having support in the waiting is something you're allowed to seek.

There will be times when seeking peace in the waiting looks like making drastic changes. For some, if the opportunity presents itself, being in a different physical location or immersed in a completely different routine from what your "normal" has been might provide the room to breathe you need to keep your mind focused on doing what you can right here.

Also, there will be many times when practicing peace in the waiting will be subtle. It might look like a few extra quiet moments in the morning where you allow yourself to do something that takes your mind off things, even if it's only for a minute. It might look like being on the phone with that one friend who doesn't mind just being there, on the phone line, even if no one is talking the entire time.

Perhaps it will be a combination of giving yourself time to rest, reflect, spend time with people you care about, and many other things that, on their own, might seem small and insignificant, but you know that they matter, even here, in the waiting.

Despite all of the questions and emotions that arise while waiting, may opportunities to welcome peace emerge. May you continue to discover new rhythms (or return to more familiar, beneficial rhythms) that allow you to breathe deeply right now, even as you wait for things to fall into place.

More in this week's series called "To Live More Free", only with a subscription in the Storyteller App.

More tomorrow…
Morgan Harper Nichols




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