Here are some ways that you might start to notice that you have been growing at your own pace, in a beautiful way:
1 - When you let yourself outgrow a dream: You start to realize you’re allowed to change your mind. You’re allowed to consider that even though something worked for you for some time, you’re allowed to say “goodbye” and explore something new. And you are allowed to do this at your own pace. Sometimes, changes happen in big leaps and other times, a series of smaller steps. You’re allowing yourself to embrace the process by paying attention to the different rhythms of being in different spaces.
2 - When you let yourself dream a new dream without worrying about others' opinions: You are starting to realize you are truly growing at your own pace when others’ voices appear, you breathe deep and find a way onward, anyway. This doesn’t mean you never feel the weight of someone’s words or fear what they might be thinking. Instead, it means that even when it rises up, you recognize that it doesn’t stop you from carrying onward. You’re learning to listen for the wisdom in what you hear while also recognizing when someone is speaking out of fear. It takes a lot of time to learn how to figure this out and find others with whom you can talk about it, but you’re learning that you can pace yourself through this and still grow as you were meant to.
3 - When there are spaces in your life where you are okay with uncertainty: When there are spaces in your life where you are okay with uncertainty: Even though there are still unknowns, you are allowing yourself to grow into letting go. You started off small by accepting the unpredictability in simple moments. By embracing moments where you didn't have clarity for everything, you begin to learn the skills of navigating the uncharted and finding beauty amidst it all. And with time, you've been learning that it's okay to grow into a deeper awareness of who you can grow with complete certainty about everything. Through patience, curiosity, and discovery, you are becoming more adept at dancing with the ever-shifting rhythms of life.
4 - When you find joy in simplicity and start to practice gratitude, You know that you are embracing the reality of growing at your own pace when, on ordinary days, you can find something worth noticing or cherishing even in the most subtle moments. You start to notice the small details in the stories you hear others share, and you are just grateful to be present with them without worrying about how your story compares. You start to pay attention to the things in your home that are not merely objects but hold special meaning for you, and you express gratitude by acknowledging the joy they bring and their significance as often as you can.
Which of these resonates with you or seems like something you want to explore?
These are only starting points that you can begin to explore, as there are many ways for you to continue to grow at your own pace. You don’t have to be able to navigate growing at your own pace perfectly before you can pay attention to what excites you and what fills you with hope. Allow yourself to think about it more:
How can you tell that you’ve been growing at your pace?
It might only be a thought, but you are absolutely allowed to dedicate more time to pondering and reflecting on how this could flourish in your life.
More in this week's series called "Embrace Your Journey", only with a subscription in the Storyteller App.
More tomorrow…
Morgan Harper Nichols