word of the day: RELEASE

It is time to be free

from all the things you thought you would need:

the relationship that was not healthy

the way of thinking that holds you back

the fear that restrained you,

you are free

to breakthrough,

for today

is brand new.

Let it mean something to you.

You have come the longest way

and you do not have to be who you were yesterday.

Love is still ahead of you.

You might not see it yet,

but you can trust:

there is still a path beneath your feet.

You are still becoming

who you were made to be.

And you do not have to worry about arriving,

just focus on being here,

knowing there is grace for every moment

and love is still greater than fear.

I do not know what letting go looks like you

but I hope it feels like a sweet release.

I hope letting go

does not make you feel weak,

but strong, hopeful, free.

And maybe, after letting go,

You won’t have to worry like you used to.

Maybe after everything,

you have not missed out on what was meant for you

And I hope you are able

to look back on this January with gratitude

for all you made it through,

knowing that even though

so much was out of your control,

you still found the freedom in the well of your soul

to start over with hope,

amidst all that was unknown.

You are free to let go

of what you no longer need

in pursuit of becoming more

of who you were meant to be.

You are free to believe:

not being able to see what’s ahead of you

does not mean there is nothing more.

Trust that you have not seen

all there is to see down these hallways.

There will still be open doors.


WOTD: Release - “to make free, to give freedom or free movement to someone or something.”

Source: Cambridge Dictionary

I received a few letters from readers recently and I was reminded that there was nothing like reading physical letters and writing back. So here's my mailing address if you'd like to share something! I’d love to share some letters on social media as well*, as a way of sharing who’s in this community! I’d also love to respond to as many as possible!

Morgan Harper Nichols

400 Spectrum Center Drive St. 19

Irvine, CA 92618

*If you’d prefer I didn’t share your letter/note, please write “PRIVATE” on it!
