I hope you know you do not have to hold on to your mistakes forever. If there’s a place in your life where you need to apologize, I hope you apologize, while also knowing that you are allowed to trust: forgiveness is for you, too…even when no one utters the words, “I forgive you.” 

Even when you’ve made the mistake that changes the course of everything and you’re grieving the reality that things will never go back to “normal,” the ground is still steady beneath our feet. And even when all of the flowers have been ripped off of their stems and the green grass is muddied with the aftermath of the rain, there is still room for something new to bloom here. And no, it won’t be the same as it was, but day by day, you will feel something new come to life, right here, beneath your feet. You will learn from the mistakes from the past and apply that wisdom to the present. You will learn the power of sharing that wisdom with others. You will learn to heal. And Trust.

Yes, it’s true that there are some mistakes that will change the course of everything. And this is also true: forgiveness can change the course of everything, too.

If it happens to be one of those days where your attention gets drawn to a mistake, I hope you can ask yourself,

“What would it look like to bathe in the sunlight of forgiveness?”

Allow yourself to wrestle with this question. Realize that if you’ve been hard on yourself at any point in your life, the idea of forgiveness may feel out of reach. Allow yourself to take the journey toward forgiveness. Travel step by step. Take a moment to sit on the park bench along the path when you need to. This forgiveness thing? It’s a lot to take in. When you’re the kind of person who has been hard on yourself for years, it’s going to take some time to loosen into the idea that there is forgiveness for you. 

Forgiveness is a must,
and it is also something that cannot be rushed.
Slow down. Breathe.
Remember: forgiveness,
like many healing things, 
is a journey.
A journey lined with grace
that whispers these words:
“I know you can’t see it yet,
but there is so much more to this story
than yesterday.”

Word of the day: Freedom (n): the power or right to act, speak, or think as one wants without hindrance or restraint (Oxford Languages)
Journal Prompt: Why do you think many of us struggle with feeling like they are worthy of forgiveness?
Affirmation: I am worthy of forgiveness.

More in this week's series called "You Are Worthy Of The Journey", only with a subscription in the Storyteller App.

Morgan Harper Nichols


