When you find yourself facing new unknowns, remember this: You are free to explore how to carry on through this season with new approaches one day at a time. Even when you feel pressured to move faster to keep up with others or keep up with your own expectations, remember that on the days when you are moving a little slower or it takes a little longer to overcome a fear, it doesn't mean you will not be able to come alive right here, where you are.
A new approach can be the smallest, most gentle shift. And it can often begin with the simplest idea that arises after you've realized you're wanting a change:
In a moment where you've accepted you don't have it all figured out, this might look like: "I am willing to try."
When you've realized you don't have all the answers for something and decide "I am learning as I go."
In the moment where you free yourself from needing to have every detail of what the next ten years will look like, you can exhale, "I am pacing myself through this."
Pay attention to the moments where you find yourself reflecting these kinds of sentiments. Let them be indications that even amidst the pressure, you are free to begin a new approach. This first step of awareness matters more than you know. Let this be permission to exhale before you begin again.
And remember: it's okay if it takes time to explore what "new approaches" mean for you in daily life. They can be small changes or drastic shifts, depending on where you are in life right now. For some, welcoming a new approach might happen in subtle moments throughout your day. For others, it might be a series of major transformations taking place. Wherever you find yourself, breathe deep when you start to notice the shifts and pace yourself into new shifts however you can.
Whatever makes you think, "I need a new perspective on this," or "I need to try something new," consider that as the space where you can begin to just try without the pressure of figuring it all out at once. You don't need to have everything figured out to start trying something new. The act of exploring itself is valuable.
When it’s time for a change in your life, allow yourself to gain a new perspective by welcoming small changes that can grow into new possibilities with time.
More in this week's series called "Here, Now and Beyond", only with a subscription in the Storyteller App.
More tomorrow…
Morgan Harper Nichols