I am not sure who has not been patient with what has remained unsolved in your heart, but I hope you know there is still room for you. There is room for you to breathe deep and feel what you are feeling, without having answers for everything. Because maybe the strong ones aren’t the ones who overcame everything easily. Maybe the strong ones are the ones who have wrestled and asked questions, and learned to keep going, anyway…stumbling further and further into the Light, one day at a time.
I hope you know it is okay if progress looks different in this season. I hope you know that you are free to keep going even without knowing how things are going to look a month from now, a year from now. Live wholeheartedly. Live with humility. Don’t be afraid to say “I don’t know,” even in circles where it’s expected to pretend to have it all together.
Not everyone will make room for you in this life. Not everyone will have space for your vulnerability. And that’s okay. Because within grace, there will be other people. And there will be people who truly see you and say, “I have been there, too.”
Have patience. Dear friend, please have patience. I know it’s so hard to wait here because it seems like every single day, there is something new to fear. There is something new to worry about.
And at the same time, you have managed to keep going, anyway. Even with the questions you thought would be obstacles, you made it another day. I know it doesn’t seem like much, but this is how you are learning to trust. You are slowly beginning to see it is possible to be present to this life, right here in the waiting.
You don’t always have the words for it, and that’s okay. Grace will find you, anyway...unmerited favor that meets you where you are.
Over and over again, you have realized that even where there were no words, no answers, and all you could hear were your own prayers echoing back to you, the hours passed and morning Light poured through. You were reminded, in a wordless, subtle way: you are not alone here.
Have patience. Be still. So much is unknown, and this is also true: all by grace, you are still traveling through. There is so much more to you.
(This post here is an excerpt from the Storyteller App series called "Grace Will Find You, Anyway", available to download for iOS and Android! Phone wallpapers, journal prompts, affirmations and more included. Free trial - no credit card required.)