Here’s a little reminder if you have a lot on your plate right now:
Give yourself permission to be human today.
Give yourself permission to travel through at a mindful pace.
And if you’re feeling the push to make adjustments and changes, remember that small progress is still progress.
There is nothing wrong with desiring change, and at the same time, may you remember: small change is not inferior change. Small changes may not mean instant transformation or overnight success, but they do allow room for beautiful, sustainable growth.
So whenever you feel discouraged
by all you have not achieved
and you feel shame or guilty
for what didn’t get fixed quickly,
remember the rich, lasting nature
of slow and steady growth.
Remember all of the lessons you have learned while traveling.
The wisdom you will continue to gather as you go.
You may not receive the highest praise from everyone right now and others may even think less of you because of your slower pace. But what matters is that you know this in the well of your soul: through small changes and small steps, you will continue to grow how you were meant to.
Let today be the day you practice patience and loving-kindness for yourself and others on the journey who may be traveling slower than you. Sometimes, when we are moving at a slower pace, we may feel like those behind us are moving impossibly slow. But in the same way we seek respect for our pace, let us respect theirs’ too. Let us continue to speak to one another with grace and hope; hope that we will all grow how we were meant to. Let us seek sustainable growth for all.
Word of the day: Sustainability (n): the ability to be maintained at a certain rate or level (Oxford Languages)
Affirmation: “I am growing at a slow and steady pace.”
Journal: What does “sustainable growth” mean in your life right now?
More in this week's series called "Embrace the Possibility of What Could Be", only with a subscription in the Storyteller App.
Morgan Harper Nichols